Sunday, July 26, 2015

Almost 3 weeks until China!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new blog of my upcoming adventure in China. It is crazy at how fast this time has come. I have been planning for this trip since early February and it is now on my doorstep. Some of you might be wondering, why is she going to China? Well, I am going to China to complete my internship that is required for me to do. I am going through a program called China Horizons and I have been greatly blessed by this company. Through this company I will be teaching conversational English to Chinese students of varying ages. I have been assigned to teach at the Kunshan Training Center in Kunshan, China. Kunshan is located just outside of Shanghai.
Here is a map of where Kunshan is located. I am so excited to be going to this location. It is only an hour train ride to Shanghai and Suzhou. Kunshan as over a million people living in its boundaries, so going from about 30,000 people here in Rexburg to over a million people will be a huge change. I will be leaving from the Salt Lake Airport on August 19th and will be returning from China on December 30th. For the first week that I am there I will be going on a Beijing tour where we will visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and Tienanmen Square. After the first week, we will then be sent to our destinations where we will teach! It is going to be a blast and I am so excited to tell you all about it! Let the China adventure begin!

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